Thursday, 26 June 2014

Margarine from rapeseed / canola oil is ONE molecule distinct from PLASTIC

After World War II, the demand for rapeseed declined drastically and the agricultural sector began to look for other uses for this plant and its products. Extracts of rapeseed oil were placed on the market for the first time as a food product in  the years1956-1957. But... those possessed some unacceptable characteristics. Rapeseed oil has quite an unpleasant taste and a repulsive characteristic greenish color due to the presence of chlorophyll. It also contains a high concentration of erucic acid that, when it is consumed in considerable amounts causes damage to the heart. It was also not particularly suitable as animal feed because of high levels of sharp-tasting compounds called glucosinolates.

Rape was always seen as a plant that was not suitable for the food ina verydustry. This changed when a few greedy scientists their eye dropped. They just saw relatively inexpensive product that could make tonnes of cash! Nowadays, the use of rapeseed oil, which is from chemical perspective a mere single molecule different from plastic, has been only increased in usage, and is globally used in most (78.2%) of margarines as well as in other food supplements. For marketing purposes, the name 'Rape' or 'rape oil "was changed to canola.

Canola is as sodium benzoate. It suffocates cells, ruins immunity and requires extra processing by the body to filter. It is very clear that "mother nature" never intended this stuff to be food. Toxic synthetic oil! That's why it stinks too! Companies that handle rape must first remove the stinky smell by deodorisation. And how? Canola is produced using the cheap and extremely toxic "hexanedamp", a dangerous gasoline component. Canola margarine can be the cause of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease because this plastic fat goes straight into our veins, including those of our brains.

Next time you do your grocery shopping... Don't touch that stuff!!

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